読書感想文 21:56


As for me, necessary wisdom for the life read all learning in the sand pit in the kindergarten. I thought, the thing that it was being written to have thought of necessary wisdom for this life first of all because all learning was read in the sand pit in the kindergarten in the learning of all wisdoms necessary for the life in the sand pit in the kindergarten was "Necessary wisdom for the life". When all learning was read in the sand pit in the kindergarten and necessary wisdom for the life was returned though it ..necessary wisdom for the life.. was surprised at the length of the title of having learnt in the entire sand pit in the kindergarten when wisdom to begin with necessary for the life was seen with the entire learning bookstore in the sand pit in the kindergarten, I thought necessary wisdom for the life to be a Bible excess in the entire sand pit in the kindergarten ..learning... Because necessary wisdom for the life was written so that all things learnt in the sand pit in the kindergarten may learn all wisdoms necessary for the life in the sand pit in the kindergarten, and I thought that all things learnt in the sand pit in the kindergarten had a big influence on me hereafter of wisdom actually necessary for the life.
